Sentiment and observation. Art in Ticino 1850-1950
The MASI Collections
09.05.2021 - 23.03.2025
Piazza Bernardino Luini 6,
6900 Lugano
Opening hours:
Tue / Wed / Fri: 11 am – 6 pm
Thurs: 11 am – 8 pm
Sat / Sun / Public Holidays: 10 am – 6 pm
Mon: closed
The collections of MASI reflect the very special history of visual art in Ticino. Since the end of the 19th century, this history has been shaped not only by regional artists, but also by artists, collectors, art dealers and art scholars who have found their adopted home in Ticino.
The collections particularly reflect the special nature of the Canton of Ticino with its Italian cultural identity on the one hand and its political affiliation with the Swiss federal state on the other.
The presentation of the collections, enriched by a number of high-calibre loans, intends to convey a picture of how art in Ticino has dynamically evolved in its specific cultural context from the years after the founding of the Swiss federal state until the end of the Second World War, and which influences from the south and the north asserted themselves here.
A selection curated by Tobia Bezzola
We would like to thank the Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Winterthur, and the Fondazione Matasci per l’Arte, Tenero, for the loan of a series of works
Cuno Amiet /Pietro Anastasio / Albert Anker / Edoardo Berta / Umberto Boccioni/ Costante Borsari /Eugène Boudin/ Alexandre Calame / Paul Camenisch / Carlo Carrà / Gustave Eugène Castan / Luigi Chialiva / Adolf Dietrich/ Leonardo Dudreville / Conrad Felixmüller / Leonor Fini / Filippo Franzoni / Achille Funi / Augusto Giacometti / Giovanni Giacometti / Ferdinand Hodler / Karl Hofer / Thomas Huber / Moïse Kisling / Emilio Longoni / Claude Monet / Luigi Monteverde / Albert Müller / Cherubino Patà / Camille Pissarro / Anita Rée / Hans Richter / Christian Rohlfs / Luigi Rossi / Henri Rousseau / Alberto Salvioni / Hermann Scherer / Wilhelm Schmid / Richard Seewald / Mario Sironi / Adolf Stäbli / Niklaus Stoecklin / Félix Vallotton / Marianne von Werefkin / Robert Zünd
Cover image:
Ferdinand Hodler, Landschaft im Tessin, 1893, oil on canvas. Museo d'arte della Svizzera italiana, Lugano Collezione Città di Lugano