A digital booklet which is a collection of the photographs taken during the field work on Quello che vede l’acqua.

Quello che vede l’acqua is a work of field research on the contemporary city of Venice consisting of a collection of sound, visual and tactile materials expressed mainly through body movement and dance and dealing with what is reemerging at the margins of this city, before the neo-liberal capital returns to the machine beat of commerce and production. The booklet is a digital collection of the incredible photographs taken during the field work, the texts used for the podcast and all the field notes.


edited by
Ginevra Ghiaroni

Caterina Serra e Alessandro Conti

LAC Lugano Arte e Lugano

in partnership with 
Università IUAV , Associazione Laboratorio Corpo (Venice)


Alessandro Conti
Budding performer and technician, in 2013 he graduated from the scuola del Teatro Metastasio di Prato, and is one of the founders of the company Prospettiva Capaneo with which he won the 2014 prize Giovani in scena with his performance in Leonce e Lena.  Conti has always been keenly interested in the effects of hyper-connectivity on our society and in 2018 he completed a three year “Laurea” in New Technologies in Art at the Accademia ABAC. Currently, he is attending the Masters course in Theatre and Performing Arts at the IUAV in Venice. In search of a time different from our own, his days are divided between work in the theatre and studying at his desk.

Ginevra Ghiaroni aka Ginevra Dolcemare
Ghiaroni was born in 1994 and hails from Milan. After earning a diploma in Sculpture at the Accademia di Brera with Gianni Caravaggio, she began a Masters in Theatre and Performing Arts at the IUAV (2019). Thanks to the philosopher Federico Ferrari she came into contact with the company Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio taking part in their opportunities for training including the Scuola Cònia led by Claudia Castellucci. Between 2016 and 2017, along with Lola Posani she developed the triptych Atomo Pesante, a performance project involving site-specific actions on the descent into matter. Since 2015 she has been pursuing her explorations preferring an external perspective. In 2019 with Fuzao Studio she published Reactions, a manual of illustrated exercises that merge practice with phantasy as an act of freedom. She has met among others Darren O’Donnell/Mammalian Diving Reflex and Alice Rohrwacher. She has presented her projects at the Head Genève, Brace Brace, MARS, Spazio Maiocchi, Museo della Permanente, Loom Gallery, 12 Star Gallery London.

Caterina Serra
Serra is an author and screenwriter. In 2006 she won the Paola Biocca prize for best literary journalism with Chiusa in una stanza sempre aperta, which later engendered the novel-reportage Tilt (Einaudi, 2008). Her second book Padreterno came out in 2015 again published by Einaudi. She is the screenwriter of documentary films like Napoli Piazza Municipio (Bruno Oliviero, prize for the best documentary film at the Festival del Cinema di Torino, 2008), Parla con lui (Elisabetta Francia, 2010) and she authored the subject and screenplay for Piccola Patria (Alessandro Rossetto, Venezia ’70 section Orizzonti, 2013). With the same director she worked on the film screened at the 76th  Mostra del cinema di Venezia Effetto domino , based on the novel by Romolo Bugaro, Einaudi. She worked on the conception of Immemoria with dancer and choreographer Francesco Ventriglia, Teatro alla Scala, Milan, May 2010. She is also the creator and writer of the performance Somapolis, MACRO, Rome 2019. She is the author of Displacement - New Town No Town, (photographs by Giovanni Cocco), a photographic and writing project, exhibited at MACRO in Rome as part of the Festival Internazionale della Fotografia 2015 (Quodlibet 2015), and shown at Geneva’s Centre de la Photographie in 2020. She writes regularly for the weekly magazine L'Espresso, contributes to Il Manifesto, La Repubblica and the online magazine Minima&Moralia. She created and is author of Rivista Virale Alcol/:id 19. Serra is currently writing her third novel.


